Generate AVI Movie
AVI is a common movie format. It is very well supported in the computer world. When a imaging study of multiple slices is converted to an AVI movie, it can be viewed on any computer or included in a presentation. To download a sample DICOM movie, please click on Figure 10.

Figure 11 A sample CT scan movie viewed in Windows Media Player.

Create Phantom Data for Monte Carlo Simulation Code EGS4
This module is designed to export DICOM objects including imaging series and DICOM RT structure set in EGS4 phantom format. EGS4 is software package for Monte Carlo simulation. This function is a result of inter-institutional collaboration with Yale University. The interested users are referred to Department of Therapeutic Radiology Yale University School of Medicine for Monte Carlo simulation codes.

Figure 12 A sample of EGS4 phantom attributes.

DICOMan is designed for medical imaging users with an emphasis on Radiation Oncology. DICOM RT objects are supported. Here are a few snapshots of RT object rendering.
Figure 13 DVH data rendering. DVH can be switched in mouse wheel and DVH values can be viewed interactively.
Figure 14 Compensator data rendering.
Figure 15 Isodose setting and rendering.
Figure 16 RT Record property sheet in image window.
Figure 17 IMRT fluence in the making (AVI movie).
Multi-modality dose summation is often needed for patients who have been previously treated or are being treated in different modalities, but unfortunately it is not always available in commercial treatment planning systems. DICOMan will help you sums up 3D dose distributions delivered by different treatment modalities to help radiation therapy team make optimal plans. It can be done either within DICOMan or in conjunction with commercial treatment planning system (Pinnacle3 RTP).
DICOMan also sums up dose matrices of multiple plans to facilitate reviewing treatment plans offline.
Figure 18 Plan dose summation. This is one example of 6 beam dose summation.

A Short History of Old Versions

What is New in Version 3.3.4 Build 938 (Released on August 15, 2011)
  1. A plan comparison module was added.
  2. The active image item will be highlighted in the tree window if the series item is expended.
  3. The Open Folder module was updated.
  4. The Revamp feature was updated for RT Dose objects.
  5. Outer and inner contour will be differentiated in ROI properties.
  6. The DICOM composer was updated.
  7. The contour similarity module was updated.
  8. The support for 16-bit TIFF was updated.
  9. A CT value to density conversion table was added.
  10. The contour similarity metric module was updated.
  11. The EGS4 phantom packaging module was further improved to incorporate CT density table.
  12. A bug in the anonymizer was removed.
  13. While [Ctrl] button is pressed, the mouse wheel is used to zoom in/out no matter what working status it is at.
  14. The Revamp feature for adding 3ddose was updated to avoid potential data overflow problem.
  15. A pop-up menu was added for the EGS4 phantom item in the tree window.
  16. A bug in calculating ROI statistics was removed. It was introduced in Version 3.2.8.
  17. ROI attributes in observation sequence will be displayed.
  18. The DICOM pusher was updated.
  19. DICOM dictionaries were updated based on the standard 2011.
What is New in Version 3.3.1 Build 923 (Released on June 03, 2011)
  1. The EGS4 phantom packaging module was updated.
  2. The editor was enhanced to propagate tag changes (added, deleted and modified tags) to all sibling objects in the same series.
  3. Profiling of IMRT fluence in the making was added.
  4. A profiler module was added. It can be printed and exported to text file.
  5. The “revamp” feature was improved.
  6. The support for Monte Carlo 3ddose was improved.
  7. The ruler was enhanced.
  8. Image histogram can be exported in a text file for interested users.
  9. The POI management module was introduced.
  10. Mapped drives are accessible to the Open Folders module.
  11. The segment module was updated.
  12. Contours can be overlaid on RTDOSE objects.
  13. The POI rendering problem introduced in Version 3.2.4 was fixed.
  14. The isodose legend display problem introduced in version 3.2.6 was fixed.
  15. A dedicated menu for POI tree item was added.
  16. The module to compute contour similarities between ROIs was added.
  17. The module to compute biological responses was partially implemented.
  18. The module to compute pixel statistics within ROIs was added.
  19. The DICOM retriever was updated.
  20. More interlocks were added in support of segment objects.
  21. Frame-Of-Reference can be configured to be the only tie between a RT Structure Set and an image series.
  22. A new feature was added to make up a new series by changing some identifying tags.
  23. The Iso-Contour feature was added for any image type instead of exclusive RT Dose objects.
  24. The isodose calculation module was enhanced.
  25. A bug (introduced in Version 3.2.2) in reading DICOM images with Lossy Compression tags was fixed.
  26. The segment bit plane frames can be displayed.
  27. Brachytherapy dose object can be detected and absolute isodose lines will be displayed accordingly.
  28. The image module was enhanced.
  29. A bug in applicator rendering was fixed.
  30. A bug in calculating DVHs for some cases was fixed.
What is New in Version 3.2.2 Build 888 (Released on February 26, 2011)
  1. The Value-At-Cursor feature was upgraded.
  2. The RT Image reading module was enhanced.
  3. The RT image under MLC rendering will be updated at each control point.
  4. The segment object is partially supported for the first time.
  5. More image interpolation options were added (linear used to be the only option before).
  6. The ion beam module was enhanced.
  7. The “Export to Pinnacle” module was upgraded.
  8. The DICOM editor was enhanced with Copy to Clipboard and Find & Replace features.
  9. The search and replace features in the DICOM editor were enhanced.
  10. The Dose summation feature was further enhanced.
  11. DVHs can be compared (CTRL+ Drag and Drop).
  12. The DVH retraction module was enhanced to patch corrupt RT Dose objects.
  13. The images for contouring can be found by slice locations if referenced image instance UIDs are not included in the structure set object.
  14. A pop-up menu was added in the Property dialog.
  15. The files in the folder “ICONS” or “ICON” on a CD-ROM will not be parsed.
  16. Printing feature was added.
  17. “Fluence in the making” was added to show the fluence accumulating process of IMRT treatment.
  18. DVHs can be stretched and the background can be changed to to be more printer-friendly.
  19. RT Dose distributions from different treatment modalities can be summed up within DICOMan.
  20. In the case of multiple plans, dose distribution overlay is selectable. The referenced dose object will be indicated in the tree window.
  21. In the case of multiple plans, dose summation was made as easy as dropping dose objects on planning images.
  22. The MOSAIQ RTP format is supported.
  23. When a tree item is double clicked, its associated data will be rendered in the active image window.
  24. The feature of adding RT Image links in fields has been improved.
  25. Varian MLC files (file version G and H) can be read and rendered.
  26. The search feature in the DICOM editor was made case insensitive.
  27. The feature to render MLC segments and on the associated RT image was improved.
  28. An error in computing IMRT fluence for MLCY was fixed.
  29. Setting normalization dose for isodose rendering was improved.
  30. The user will be prompted when it is installed on an unsupported operating system.
  31. DICOM editor was further improved.
  32. The anonymizing feature was improved.
What is New in Version 2.98 Build 844
  1. RT image links will be automatically added to the corresponding beam items.
  2. MLC segments can be overlaid on either a RT Image or the beam intensity map.
  3. The tree item labels in the tree window can be copied ( CTRL+C ) to clipboard.
  4. The beam applicator module can be read and displayed.
  5. The write permission of the staging folder will be checked before the storage server is launched.
  6. The The isodose setting module is enhanced to allow user to enter normalization dose.
  7. Two more dose summation types “FRACTION”and “MULTI_PLAN” are supported.
  8. The module being displayed (BEAM, BLOCK, WEDGE, PRESCRIPTION, BRACHY MACHINE, BRACHY SOURCE, BRACHY SETUP, BRACHY CHANNEL, APPLICATOR, ROI) will be highlighted in the editor.
  9. ROI and DVH display option modules are added.
  10. Compensator can be exported in Inventor 3D format so that it can be milled.
  11. DVHs can be reproduced if they are not included in the RT Dose objects. This endows DICOMan with the full capabilities to review RT Plans.
  12. All DVHs can be shown in the same window.
  13. The active DVH can be changed by turning mouse wheel.
  14. More DVH display options are available for multiple cumulative DVHs displaying mode.
  15. Patient position can be changed for the entire series so that patient does not has to be rescanned if the patient is to be treated in other position, Head First-Supine (HFS) to Feet First-Supine (FFS) for instance.
  16. The “Live Parsing” can be configured to automatically unpack RT Structure Set and RT Plan objects.
  17. “Spawn TOMO GRID Target” is fully functioning.
  18. Contour changes can be saved.
  19. An error in display CyberKnife RT Dose DVHs is fixed.
  20. The licensing module is upgraded.
  21. The ROI volume will not be calculated if it is read.
  22. DVH’s color will be synchronized with ROI’s color if RT Structure Set object is present.
  23. The Jaw labels will be shown when rendering MLC segments.
  24. The angle information of the table and the beam limiting device will be shown when rendering MLC segments.
  25. The information display in the MLC rendering window is no longer blinking.
  26. The error in displaying RT image orientation is fixed.
  27. The gantry angle information will be shown when rendering a RT image.
  28. More information is shown in the block view window.
  29. The dynamic “MLC Play Panel” is added to image window at the bottom to facilitate image browsing.
  30. A minor bug in setting the calling AE title in the DICOM pusher module is fixed.
  31. The contour slab thickness will not be asked whenever it is retrievable or has been read.
  32. The Anonymizer is improved.
  33. The licensing module is improved.
  34. The potential overflow error when summing field dose objects is fixed.
  35. It is able to reset slice location for all images in one series.
  36. The DICOM Editor is enhanced.
  37. Compensator module is enhanced.
What is New in Version 2.82 Build 802
  1. The live parsing feature for DICOM storage server is added (the incoming DICOM objects will be parsed and rendered when received).
  2. When receiving incoming DICOM objects, the information about the current DICOM source folder will be automatically updated (press F3 to parse the latest incoming objects).
  3. 2D and 3D rendering states of contours are independently controlled.
  4. Image sorting is performed for all patients (it used to perform image sorting only for the first open patient).
  5. “Unpack All” menu items are added to Patient, RT Plan series and RT Structure Set series tree items.
  6. The contour rendering module is enhanced to support rotated image set.
  7. The DICOM retriever is upgraded by including series description.
  8. DVH of dose matrix is calculated on the fly when extracting DVHs from a RT Dose object.
  9. Drawing DVH curves is much faster.
  10. The OrthoView feature is further improved to be more user-friendly.
  11. More initialization options are provided including customized color setting.
  12. A minor bug (the diameter did not change with slice) in overlaying POI on RTDOSE in top-left window is fixed.
  13. The dose-specific menu is added.
  14. The feature of converting dose matrix to Pinnacle dose matrix format is enhanced to support both descending dose plane order (TOMO for example) and ascending dose plane order (CMS XIO for example).
  15. All message dialogs are topmost and response compulsive (less confusing).
  16. The raw image reading module is improved.
  17. The license problem for laptops is solved.
  18. A set of Boolean operations on ROI are implemented.
  19. A menu is added to the property sheet window.
  20. The rendering of MLC segments and the fluence map is zoomed to fit the window.
  21. The whole system is further optimized.
  22. Block rendering module is improved.
  23. The support for ultrasound image is improved.
  24. Isodose detection is improved.
  25. A multiframe option is added to “Save As DICOM”.

Installation Steps

DICOMan 2.2x is recompiled in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005with service pack one. Microsoft So it needs two redistribution packages and a dynamic link library for DirectX that can be downloaded from Microsoft. The user is advised to follow the following installation steps to make it work.
  1. Download the needed runtime packages:
    • Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2008 or later)
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update vcredist_x86.EXE.
  2. Execute directx_Mar2008_redist.exe to unpack installation files to a temporary folder (there should be 88 files) and execute DXSETUP.exe.
  3. Execute vcredist_x86.exe. For some reason, the installation order matters. vcredist_x86.exe should be executed AFTER DXSETUP.exe.
  4. Create a directory as the home directory for DICOMan, “C:DICOMan” for instance.
  5. Download DICOMan software package here DICOMan_package.exe and put it in DICOMan home directory. Since DICOMan is constantly evolving, the users are advised to check our website periodically and have your systems upgraded in the latest version.
  6. Execute the self-extracting software package “DICOMan_package.exe” in the home directory of DICOMan. If you are upgrading it, please execute it in any other folder and copy files and “config” folder back to its home directory.
  7. Double click the executable “DICOMan.exe” and follow the prompts to get a license.
A PDF file of brief installation instruction is also available here.

License Types

There are two kinds of licenses as follows,
  1. Permanent license. That is what we strongly recommended. The user is provided with full unleashed functions plus free life upgrades.
  2. Temporary license. It is time-limited license (about one week). DICOMan functions almost the same as the permanently licensed version as long as the license stays valid. Anyone who is interested in this product can request a time-limited license. Limited number of free permanent licenses are to be issued to whoever are interested in R&D collaboration.

How to Get a Demo License

Osirix Mac

To get a demo license, the user is advised to install DICOMan following “Installation Steps” posted above and then execute “DICOMan.exe” to generate a computer-specific license request file, “BeerLicense.req”, and attach that file in the email to [email protected]. In the email you should also include a brief introduction about yourself, your facility and what use DICOMan for. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us as follows.

How to Contact Us

For the license and technical support, please contact
Yulong Yan, Ph.D.
Tel: (214) 645 7636
Fax: (214) 645 2885
Email: [email protected]

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For sales information, please contact

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Brian Barnett
Tel: (501) 526 6157
Fax: (501) 686 7285
[email protected]